The SVHG Republic

The Svhg was Established in the Spring of 2006 by Nabolshia the Dark Woodsman of Lumbridge Sheep Pen. In no more than a year the Guild grew to 600 members.

A great divide occured at the hands of turncoats, causing the Guild to split into Factions. Crafting Guilds, Combat Guilds, and Questing/ Skilling Guilds.

Now is a New time. The son of Nabolshia steps forward, with his companions, and the aid of the Founder, Orion seeks to bring the Factions together again. Under one Council, and restore peace to Runescape through the SVHG Republic.

White Knights

White Knights

The High Council

 High Council

Based on a Ruling Order of Elders to the Guild (SVHG). They comprise of the voting power within the Guild to enact laws rules regulations and titles. They acknowledge Lord Townships and the like and personally are Guarded by the Dark Raven Knighthood.

High Council Members come to Guild meetings to Vote on changes done to the Guild or its members. All active an Council members that are present have a voting power of 1.

Name                                   Rank                            Title
Nabolshia                          Owner                           Founder
Necrolordl                        General                          Lord of Darken (Advanced Dark Raven)
Neiltheseal                       (Admin)                         ........
Sv Rune Hg                      (Admin)                         Lord of Rune Knights (non-memb)

(Other names to be Added, Guild Changes took effect on 5/20/2011)

Masters and their Homes

below will be a list of the Guild Masters. Those that have shown to know the most about a specific skill or trade, and then are appointed Master of such craft by the high council. With this they also gain a township in which they watch over. They will base out of this town and do their training there as well.

                                                            SVHG MASTERS

Name:                                                       Craft Mastery:                                            Home Township:

Guild Bank Items

Below will be a list of donated items to the guild. If you need any of these things you will need to get with the player whom is holding the stuff to get the items you are requesting. The Banker will be the name, and the items they have listed below them.

(to be announced)

Jake Mama10:
(to be announced)

Old Republic

In the beginning of days there was Nabolshia and the chosen few. They scoured the world of Runescape for the best of the best, that had had enough of the way things were. The message was clear, to form a Guild that "Helped" one another instead of trying to outdo everyone else.
The Guild built up quickly, assimilating people of all levels and for many different reasons. Some joined for the equality, others to teach while more yet joined to learn and share in the new trade agreements. If someone had something n a large amount and needed other goods, they would trade the terms off among other guild members before taking it to the open market.

We had a Master of each craft, that would stay most hours n the same city to assist in training others in their craft and how to complete the entire cycle. From mining to smithing to crafting, and then selling and trading the items made on an open market.

The guild also manufactured and procured many items for the members as well, such as armor for training and arrows. Runes and uncounted amounts of building materials for the personal homes that were being constructed. The guild began to grow with active members that sought the same end results. Success.


To be decided by the Council. Stay tuned.

The SVHG Republic was officially formed today.

Crimes Against the Guild

                                                          THE GUILDS MLOST WANTED:

Last Known Name:                                                                      The charges:

Flipcityguy10                                                              Espionage, split of SVHG into Factions.
Marchase                                                                   co-hort to Flip, and angry player spamming emails.

The above Listed are Enemies of the state as per rulings of the SVHG Council.



On this page you will find listings of what others may have or need. You can submit to this as well, by using a simple step, put in your character name, and a time you can be found online, or include your email to be contacted for a meeting time for TRADE. Do not forget to put your NAME and contact information, so that people can reach you. This page will be updated on a regular basis by the TRADE OFFICER. Leave this information by simply clicking COMMENTS at the bottom of the article.

5/18/2011 - LAWS WANTED! Nabolshia seeks law runes at a good price. Contact me in game or email any time to ,Tablets are optional as well. Will also buy Tabbies.

5/18/2011 - SVHG Website is seeking a TRADE OFFICER, that would be willing to update this area, as information is emailed to them or the page. Answering comment posts and complete control of page conent is at the descretion of the TRADE OFFICER. Use your creative talents to mold one of our pages! Send an email to to apply include who you are in Runescape, and your affiliation with the SVHG. And the best applicant will be given admin privledge over this page on my site. And a special Rank for their hard work.

(New Posts appear Last in the above list)


I listen to this player when I am playing sometimes, especially when farming materials, very relaxing.




00.00 The SVHG is the SEVERED HAND GUILD. There are many factions since its split of power in 2008. Each is recognized as a true orginization or branch, if the leaders of such groups have an active player (member or non-member) in the NEW guild construct. (Our NEW name is to be released in one week).

00.01 The SVHG was Founded in April of 2006 by Nabolshia Dark Lotus, The Dark Woodsman, in Lumbridge sheep pen, while cutting wood at level 20. Those he told of his intentions to have a guild that would help people instead of trick and deceive, he was laughed at. By 2008, the SVHG had 16 ranking leaders, and over 600 active players in the guild.

00.02  It was understood amoung the new leaders that of the individual factions that for them to continue in best wishes with the SVHG title, they would embrace future efforts to reconstruct the core guild once the time arose. This section is calling to ARMS, the original leaders of the SVHG to meet for a discussion about their intentions going forward. As a new construct of the SVHG Leader and Founder is being made.

00.03 The SVHG split into factions due to a power struggle. These are as follows, there was an imbalance in the way leadership handled combat and group combat games and the like. Commerce had died, and many of the Master crafters defected from the drama that ensued. In 2008, a battle for King was held, in which the Founder was slain and robbed by Flipcityguy10. Arguements ensued, and over the next weeks, players and members became traitors, bought out by Flipcityguy, and his cohorts. Flipcityguy10 is STILL an enemy of the Core SVHG and the Council. The Factions then split, into crafter guilds and combat guilds, and only one remained in tact as a true HELPER guild.

00.04 As of the GUILD game structure changes, the names of these groups have changed. Titles have been taken and used, without maintaining allegiance to the original CORE SVHG. That is Nabolshia the Founder, and the core members of the Council that remain. Generals of the SVHG. Now shall be rectified.

01.00 Anyone to join this guild understands that the basis of this orginization is to learn and teach equally. Learn what you don't know and teach what you do. Sharing of the game tips and tricks, that could make things better for others. This is a HELPER SKILLING GUILD, this includes but is not limited to, resource gathering (mining, woodcutting, gathering materials) , Crafting, and COMBAT.

02.00 The word NOOB does not exist in the true SVHG, because we all know every ROOKIE is a potential MVP (Most valued player). We were all ROOKIES once, don't look down your nose like others might have done to you. Playful Noobing is one matter, however serious name calling is uncalled for.

02.01 No talk about real life, polotics or religion, race or culture. We accept everyone equally, and don't need to go into details about color of skin or the clothes others wear. This is an equality first group.

03.00 All members of the guild should maintain helping others in the areas they have strength in. teach how to establish trade with other members for things they need and the like. There will be a webpage showing the names of people in the guild and what they need or have to trade, and the best times to catch them online in game time.

03.01 Masters of Craft. Those in the highest level for a given skill can if they desire be a teacher of that craft to others, and be the rep for the town they do the most of their work in. Example: Lets say I have the highest Wood Cut level amoung the players in the guild that WANT to help and teach others. I would then claim the Gnome Village as my home town. Teaching people how to cut mage trees for example. If they were non-member, I would likely meet them in Draynor. I would then be the Master Wc, and be expected to help others learning the Wc trade.

04.00 Lords of the Realms: These will be the leaders of other SVHG fanctions.

05.00 High Council: Founders of the SVHG.

06.00 Dark Raven: Those Loyal to the SVHG, the Knights of the SVHG. This is the SVHG Royal guard, whom lead game groups and handle security in Guild meetings. They are the leaders of the Guilds standing army in the coming progression of our evolution. The SVHG is about to bloom. For Apprenticeship information, CLICK HERE, Members only.