The SVHG Republic

The Svhg was Established in the Spring of 2006 by Nabolshia the Dark Woodsman of Lumbridge Sheep Pen. In no more than a year the Guild grew to 600 members.

A great divide occured at the hands of turncoats, causing the Guild to split into Factions. Crafting Guilds, Combat Guilds, and Questing/ Skilling Guilds.

Now is a New time. The son of Nabolshia steps forward, with his companions, and the aid of the Founder, Orion seeks to bring the Factions together again. Under one Council, and restore peace to Runescape through the SVHG Republic.

White Knights

White Knights

Chat Rules

The Chat Rules are simple:

1) Conversation is 14 and older, so enter at your own risk. There WILL be occasional odd bits.
2) No talks about politics, race or religion in Guild chat.
3) No player hate, and using the term "Noob". Unless refering to yourself.
4) Help one another with Info as much as you can.
5) Be polite, don't down talk people that don't know something. Try and find an answer.
6) Respect the Guild Ranks, Captain and above can do more than kick you for 5 minutes.
7) Spamming is not allowed! Unless it is for a GUILD EVENT.
8) Do not run Minigames and Quest runs in the Guild chat, Guild Chat is the Village. Come back later.(RECRUITING is ALLOWED, it is considered a Guild Event)
9) No Fighting, this is not preschool.
10) Live, Learn, Experience, and then teach.
11) Everyone is Teacher and student, remember that in chat. Not everyone knows everything.
12) No begging for assistance for personal gains. Emergencies or for Teaming Only.
13) We are a team, a Family, remember that.
14) No dropping the F Bomb or C Bomb or the N Bomb please. This is a game and not a daycare, if your offending someone, simply apologize and move on. Don't get into a screaming match or profanity. Or as I call Swearapolluza. take screen shots and send them to me at: Otherwise, be civilized and have fun, if minor swearing bothers you, put on your language filter.

Nabolshia, Master, Founder and Friend.