The SVHG Republic

The Svhg was Established in the Spring of 2006 by Nabolshia the Dark Woodsman of Lumbridge Sheep Pen. In no more than a year the Guild grew to 600 members.

A great divide occured at the hands of turncoats, causing the Guild to split into Factions. Crafting Guilds, Combat Guilds, and Questing/ Skilling Guilds.

Now is a New time. The son of Nabolshia steps forward, with his companions, and the aid of the Founder, Orion seeks to bring the Factions together again. Under one Council, and restore peace to Runescape through the SVHG Republic.

White Knights

White Knights

SVHG Origins

The Severed Hand Guild was Started by Nabolshia when he was a non- Runescape Member on world 33. The original home base for the SVHG was Lumbridge Castle Gates where meetings would take place and plans would be made amoung players daily.

The SVHG started in 2006 when Nabolshia was only level 20. During this time many relationships and alliances were formed and this is the story about how and why the guild was formed. This is the story of the beginning of the SVHG.

The Tale of the Dark Elf Woodcutter

At a low level of 20, Nabolshia had spent most of his time in Lumbridge area, chopping wood. In the pasture with the one lowley tree in it and the sheep. It was not long before he learned the secret of the Penguins in Sheep disguise and Nabolshia Realized the world was a bigger place.

His Mentor would show up every so often to check up on him, to give him hints and clues as how to better level himself and prepare for the bigger world of Runescape. One day the Mentor arrived, and Nabolshia was happy, he had been waiting to see his Mentor so that maybe he'd learn of a New trick or a New place to spend his time. Lumbridge was getting to become too familiar. And a little old, and he believed at this point that if he heard the sheep any longer he would probably go mad.

It was a regular sunny day in Runescapes river town Lumbridge. When the Mentor to Nabolshia arrived and caught him doing the regular thing, chopping wood and making wool.

Mentor: Hello Nabolshia
Nabz: Hello Master.
Mentor: I thought we could do something new today.
Nabz: Wow. I would like that.
Mentor: Leave all of your items of value in the Bank and then come with me.

Nabz couldn't figure out why he was going to have to leave all his valuables behind. Where were they going that he would not be able to take his things?